Friday, July 15, 2011

"Try something new for 30 Days"

After watching the video titled "Try something new for 30 Days" on Ted Talks, I was inspired. Matt Cutts claims that anyone can do anything for 30 days (writing a novel, for example). Cutts persuades the viewer to think of something they've always wanted to do but haven't gotten around to and do that every day for one month.

Like the video mentions, I could try to sketch once a day, practice another language once a day or take a photograph every day. Simple things. But when I made my list of things I've always wanted to try, the one that jumped out at me most was this: To spend no money at all, except on what is absolutely necessary to live.

No money on entertainment (this city is full of free entertainment), clothing (luckily I'm fully stocked on underwear), restaurants or eating out (luckily I work in a coffeeshop so I get free coffee), Netflix (sad!)... You get the gist.

Necessity is a broad concept, I realize, so I've formed my own personal definition:
  • Food: I need to eat
    • No eating out.
    • Groceries are okay but only food that is not pre-made/instant/canned/anything of the sort. Will need to look up recipes as I don't know how to cook well.
  • Transportation: I need to get to work (and play)
    • Metro fees are unavoidable because I live in Maryland, however I will not use the bus.
    • If I weren't so afraid of DC drivers I would bike to work. I will still make it a goal to bike to work once a week this month.
  • Bills: I have debts and monthly expenses
    • I have to pay my student loans and health insurance, but I'm not going to use my credit card this month so that's one less bill.
    • No rent! I'm not paying rent right now since I live with family, so that helps.
Is this all even possible? I don't know. I'm using the book "Not Buying It: My Year Without Shopping" as inspiration (I didn't buy it- I got it from the library, I swear!). But since I started yesterday and didn't purchase anything, I'm feeling more anxious than I expected. I feel limited, even though I'm not a big spender to start with.

What if I see a pair of running shorts on sale, soon to be snatched up, that would be perfect? What if the new, final Harry Potter movie comes out? (Oh wait, it did.) What if I'm really freaking hungry one day after work and forget to bring my lunch? What if... what if... what if??

It wouldn't be a 30-Day Challenge if it was easy, I suppose. So, here goes: from July 14th to August 12, 2011, exactly 30 days, I will spend no money except on what I absolutely need. I want to encourage as many people as possible to join me- what will your challenge be?
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me?... And if not now, when?" - Hillel the Elder


  1. I did a no-spending challenge during Lent (though I'm not religious) while I was in college. It was as much a sociological experiment as it was a test of willpower. Luckily it's really easy to find free events in DC! It helped that one of my friends was really stoked about my project and was really active in also seeking out free things for us to do around town. It would have been much harder without him... so anyway, if you need a buddy to hang out with that won't be confused by what you're doing, give me a call.

    Also, my boyfriend watched the TED Talk and our 30-day challenge is to read every day (I've been falling out of the habit). Much easier than yours, heh. Best of luck! Keep us updated!

    - Crystal

  2. Thanks Crystal! I will definitely take you up on that! :)
